Over 65,000 Sold Worldwide
Used by the Pros on Tour
This is the Original Acu-Strike Mat by the USA Inventor. It is Pro Quality and lasts !
Beware of The Knock Offs,
You can only get the original here !
Acu-Strike Golf
Impact Training Mat!
Instant Feedback!
You've never had a more powerful training tool in all of golf's history.
Over 65,000 Sold
Used by the Pros on Tour

This is the Original Acu-Strike Mat by the USA Inventor. It is Pro Quality and lasts !
Beware of The Knock Offs, They DO NOT WORK !
You can only get the original here !

Take a Moment to Train yourself to make
Consistent Solid Contact!
The Best Golf Training Mat in History!
We receive letters from all around the world similar to this:
“Dear Acu-Strike,
I am amazed at what your mat has done for me. I was practicing blind for years and never was really able to change my predominant swing errors. Well… with having this mat at my feet and seeing exactly what I am doing rather than a computer screen, I was able to make changes to my swing that I was never able to do before, and see them instantly on the mat. I could see how those changes were affecting my ball striking right there at my feet. This is how you really learn to play golf. I make a little change in my swing, I see the change with the mark on the mat, and kept on improving very fast. Guys, you really have a great product. Thanks for your hard work and genius idea!”
Proudly Manufactured in Pennsylvania.
Patent Pending. All Rights Reserved.
What the pros say!
Enjoy this Great Video Review by Dan Hendrickson Golf!
Outdoor Mat
Shipping Immediately!
Use your Outdoor Mat on the Grass.
Simply secure the mat with 4 tees and start improving your swing!
19" x 10"

Use With or Without a Golf Ball
Watch the Improvements in Front of You!
See Every Increment of Change
Get the Acu-Strike Mat that is changing
how we practice golf

Where Golfers Go to Become Great!
$63.99 CAD
Indoor Mats
19" x 10"
Use Your Indoor Mats for All Hard Surfaces Inside and Outside.

Where Golfers Go to Become Great!
$89.99 CAD

Indoor & Outdoor
Two Mat Set

Retails for $119.95 ($153.99 CAD)
Get Both with Coupon Code: TwoMatSet for Only
$138.99 CAD